Safeguarding / Welfare Officer(Emily Stuckey)
Emily is responsible for:
Working with others in the club to ensure a positive child-centred environment.
Assisting the club in fulfilling its responsibilities to safeguard children at club level.
Assisting the organisation in implementing its safeguarding children plan at the club level.
Acting as the first point of contact for instructors, volunteers, parents, children and young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified.
Implementing the organisation’s reporting and recording procedures.
Maintaining contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Promoting the club’s best-practice guidance and/or code of conduct within the club.
Ensuring adherence to the organisation’s safeguarding children training.
Ensuring appropriate confidentiality is maintained.
Promoting anti-discriminatory practice.
Our safeguarding policy can be downloaded Please see the bottom of the page
Emily Stuckey
Social Services 01344 352000 |
Emergency Duty Service 01344 786543 |
Available 8:30am to 5am | available 5 pm to 9 am on weekdays, 24hrs on weekends and bank holidays |